A Tribute to Shaykh Tantawi

The Christian Muslim Forum is deeply saddened by the passing of Sheikh Mohammed Sayyid Tantawi, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Mosque and Head of Al-Azhar University. We express our condolences to the people of Egypt and Muslims all over the world. His wise leadership will be missed by all who work to create a better understanding between the peoples of the world.

It was at a dinner in honour of the Sheikh in 1997 that former Archbishop Carey publicly stated, ‘It has long been my opinion that, for the sake of the health of this country in the next century and beyond, we need to find ways in which members of our two communities can meet regularly together in a more structured way than has been possible up to now.

It is because the issues facing us are so pressing that I am convinced of the need to establish a fuller bilateral dialogue between the Christians and Muslims around the country. … And here, if I may Your Excellency, I would like to enlist your support and that of those gathered here tonight.  Between us we represent a wide cross-section of leadership within our communities.  I would value the views of all my guests and your views in particular how this might best be done.’

This public appeal and the shared Christian-Muslim work that followed led to the creation of the Christian Muslim Forum.

The Archbishop of Canterbury has sent a letter of condolence to the Grand Mufti of Egypt.

Condolences from the World Council of Churches

“Indeed to God we belong and indeed to Him we return.” May he rest in peace.
Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra and Julian Bond