
Are you Catholic?

Are you a person of faith and would like to know why Catholics might be interested in building a relationship with you on that basis?

Belonging and Brexit: Revd Dr Evie Vernon

“So who belongs here, really? Well we do. We multi-coloured, multi-religious, multi-cultured panorama of people. We claim our place here, not as barely tolerated visitors, but as family.”

Does Christmas offend?

“They provoke antagonism towards Muslims and others by foisting on them an anti-Christian agenda which they do not hold.”

‘Jihad of Jesus’ Tour

Relations between Muslims and Christians present a key opportunity to affirm faith and nurture solidarity in our current context while recognising that there are challenges and differences too.

Lord Bourne visits mosque

Lord Bourne visited Old Kent Road Mosque this afternoon, meeting those involved in involved in the longstanding links between the Mosque and local churches.